Your Company
Our Expertise
Employee Leasing Marketplace Inc. is your comprehensive outsourced Human Resources experts. Employee Leasing Marketplace manages your company’s human resources, employee benefits, payroll, and regulatory compliance.
nothing but success. expect nothing less.
What is a PEO?
A professional employer organization (PEO) provides comprehensive HR solutions for small and mid-size businesses. Payroll, benefits, HR, tax administration, and regulatory compliance assistance are some of the many services PEOs provide to growing businesses across the country.
A PEO works through a co-employment arrangement, which means the PEO contractually shares certain employer responsibilities with the company.
Employee Benefits

Workers’ Comp
We cover all Human Resource related operations for small businesses.

Millions of workers in the U.S. are currently co-employed through PEOs. This model is generally appropriate for small and mid-sized businesses.

Human Resources
HR auditing • I-9 Compliance • EEOC Reporting • Wage & Hour Auditing • Personnel Record Management • Vacation / Sick / Holiday Accruals

Risk Management
Self Auditing • Return to Work • Time Loss Reports • Workers Compensation • Employee Classification

Employee Benefits
Section 125 Plan Administration • Cobra Administration • Benefit Deductions • Regular Audits

Retirement Benefits
Pension Profit Sharing • Employee Contributions • Employer Matching • Safe Harbour • Auditing • 401K
• Accurate and on-time payroll • Better employee/employer communications • Statutory protections extended to more employees
• Claims management assistance • Better benefits packages • Reduction of accounting costs for employees
• Reduction in paperwork • Professional compliance assistance • Reduction in turnover • Higher caliber employee candidates
Outsourced HR Starts Here
Strategic Staffing Simplified
Streamline Your Back Office
Human Resources Simplified
Here for Your Success
As your agents, Employee Leasing Marketplace Inc., will never stop considering your satisfaction at your position. We proactively seek out the best opportunities for you to ensure that you are receiving the best possible pricing and service. The care and satisfaction of our clients is utmost priority for Employee Leasing Marketplace Inc.
Grow Your Business
Employee Leasing Marketplace allows you to save time and money by handling the mundane human resources tasks for you. In doing so this allows your business to focus on growing your products & services with out stresses of everyday Human Resources challenges.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a PEO?
A professional employer organization (PEO) provides comprehensive HR solutions for small and mid-size businesses. Payroll, benefits, HR, tax administration, and regulatory compliance assistance are some of the many services PEOs provide to growing businesses across the country.
How Does a PEO Arrangement Work?
A PEO works through a co-employment arrangement, which means the PEO contractually shares certain employer responsibilities with the company.
Why Do Businesses Partner with a PEO?
Companies partner with PEOs for various reasons. Some want to gain access to the benefits an employee leasing company provides, such as payroll, HR, workers compensation, or health insurance. The main reason businesses want to partner with a PEO is the convenience & streamlining of their business that the partnership offers.
Do Business Owners Lose Control of their Business When They Partner with a PEO?
No. Since a PEO & business enter a partnership through a co-employment arrangement, business owners retain control over their company & business operations. The PEO will generally only assume responsibilities associated with a “general” employer for purposes of administration of benefits and remittance of payroll and payroll taxes.
What are the Benefits of Partnering with a PEO?
One of the reasons business owners look at partnering with a PEO is for the benefits. Employee benefits are usually hard to get & administer, becoming a thicket of rules & regulations. Since employee leasing companies concentrate on the employees of many different businesses, they’re able to offer a variety of employee plans & benefits, depending on the state you operate in.
How Many Businesses Use a PEO?
PEOs provide services to an estimated 175,000 small and mid-size businesses, employing close to 4 million people.
How Does PEO Payroll Work?
From a week to week, payroll to payroll basis, an employee leasing company will function much like your current payroll provider. You’ll receive an invoice, where you can see each employee or all your employees put together, how much money they earned, how much you owe in taxes, how much you own in workers compensation coverage, & how much the PEO is charging you. You pay one bill, one time, & you’re covered for the pay period.
How Do Employees Benefit from a PEO Arrangement?
Through a PEO arrangement, employees can get big business benefits, such as health, dental, life, & other insurances; as well as other benefits, they may not receive from the small business alone. Also, by partnering with a PEO, businesses can provide comprehensive human resources, which helps job satisfaction & productivity increase.
How can Partnering with a PEO Help you Grow Your Business?
When a business partners with a PEO, they outsource their mundane human resource tasks, saving them time & money. This allows business owners to focus on growing their products & services without the stress of everyday human resource challenges.
Who is Employee Leasing Marketplace?
We are a boutique PEO company, based out of Boca Raton, Florida. We love working for our local businesses & others within our field. But no matter where you’re located in the country, or even the world, Employee Leasing Marketplace is here to be your comprehensive, outsourced human resource experts.
What if I need more than a boutique PEO?
With more than thirty years in the industry we work with all the larger firms. We would be happy to get you multiple quotes and show you the best PEO for you to work with if we are not a fit.
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Employee Leasing Marketplace Inc.,
Licensed by the State of Florida